How To Use Copywriting As An Important Branding Tool

copywriting as brand tool

Copywriting has been an essential part of business, sales, and marketing since time immemorial. The important tool, although often overlooked, can help businesses connect better with their target audience. For most successful businesses, the right copies have helped them establish a brand, solidify their market position, and define a tone their audience now associates with them. Check the link here to find out more about copywriting.

Being an important part of establishing a brand and scaling a business, you must get your copies and brand tone right. But how do you do that? This article dives into branding through copywriting and how you can achieve your goals with it.

Branding through copywriting

  • 88% of consumers choose brands/businesses based on authenticity
  • 46% of consumers admit to purchasing from brands/businesses they can trust
  • Signature colors increase brand association and recognition by 80%

The numbers above are just some important reasons you need to pay attention to branding. However, copywriting as a branding tool helps you to communicate better with your target audience in a language they understand. Audiences and consumers are more likely to buy from you when you represent yourself not as a faceless brand but as one they can relate with.

For example, say you operate a local bar, customers are likely to come to your bar because you’ve named some of your drinks after local slang or events. Not only do they love the drinks you offer (which they can get at another bar), but they may have fallen in love with the names. These names may even remind them of certain occurrences – a way of keeping history fresh in their minds.

In this scenario, you have successfully established your brand and communicated in a common language that fosters customers’ loyalty to your brand.

Having established how branding can help boost customer loyalty, below are some ways to use copywriting as a tool.

1: Determine the main character

Brand personality is one of the biggest prerequisites for brand loyalty. Faceless brands may find it harder to resonate with their audience. As a business looking to build a brand and customer loyalty, start by creating an attractive brand character.

Always remember that people form bonds with characters and not businesses. Same as in movies or reality TV shows. Your goal is to create a brand character that speaks the language of your audience – one they can trust.

In building an attractive character, you must understand the different character types. They are;

The leader

These characters are looked up to as authoritative figures. They guide their audience from point A to B. As a leader, this character embodies many emotions, including empathy, teaching, clear communication, and more.

The adventurer or crusader

This character is often more like a leader, except they don’t always have the answers. They are more interested in finding things out and doing this collectively. This brand persona devotes a lot of attention to its audience, researches, and offers valuable information to them. Audiences can then make their decisions based on the information available.

The reporter or evangelist

This brand persona has experiences to share in every situation along the buyer’s journey. Think of this person as one that sets out to find answers, documents the process, and can’t wait to share with their audience. Usually, such an audience will get a recap through newsletters, blogs, podcasts, or other information dissemination mediums.

The reluctant hero

This is the humble-bragging hero who has accomplished several feats and is happy to share with a little prodding.  

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2: Research stories and establish beliefs

Each brand is different, and their stories make them even more different. Businesses and brands can tell their stories in different ways. However, the most successful ones are those that know how to tell it right.

Telling your story correctly, cleanly, clearly, and crisply can help you build the right audience and establish loyalty. Your audience understands that story, resonates with it, and forms a bond that keeps them coming back to you.

If you haven’t already figured out your brand story, now is the time to get to it. Knowing the story isn’t enough; you must make it believable by telling it the way it should be told.

3: Establish the right tone of voice

The tone of voice is everything in marketing. Each audience has its specific tone of voice, and you’re likely to score a huge sale by speaking the language your audience understands. For example, a brand targeting Gen Z customers cannot be too formal in its expression. The brand wants to maintain a free and relatable approach while using the common buzzwords that the demographic understands.

Doing this establishes the brand as one of the audience’s own and builds deep-seated loyalty. By doing this, you can create evangelists for your business, ensuring the target audience organically spread your message and convert others to paying customers.

Following the three steps above can be a game changer for you, your business, and your brand.

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