How to earn money from Instagram by Post (Without Selling)

How to earn money from Instagram by Post

Are you looking for “How to earn money from Instagram by post”? I will tell you how to make money on Instagram by posting pictures. A detailed guide on how to make money on Instagram without selling anything.

In the digital age, social media platforms have become lucrative spaces for individuals to showcase their talents and interests. Instagram, with its visually appealing content, has emerged as a prime platform for creators to not only express themselves but also to earn a living. This blog post will teach you how to earn money from Instagram by post, specifically focusing on techniques to monetize your pictures without the need to sell anything.

How to earn money from Instagram by Post

Instagram is primarily a visual platform, and the quality of your content plays a crucial role in attracting followers. Invest time in creating high-quality, visually appealing pictures that stand out in the crowded Instagram feed. Use a consistent theme or style to make your profile visually cohesive and memorable.

Building a Strong and Engaged Follower Base

  1. Organic Growth Strategies:
    • Utilize relevant hashtags to increase discoverability.
    • Engage with similar accounts and participate in niche communities.
    • Collaborate with other creators through shoutouts or features.
  2. Audience Engagement:
    • Respond promptly to comments and direct messages.
    • Conduct polls, Q&A sessions, or giveaways to encourage interaction.
    • Share behind-the-scenes content to connect with your audience on a personal level.

Monetizing Instagram through Picture Posts

Now, how to make money on Instagram by posting pictures?

How to make money on Instagram by posting pictures

1. Sponsored Posts

A sponsored post on Instagram is a piece of content created by a user (influencer or content creator) in collaboration with a brand. The brand pays the user to feature its product or service in a post, often with the goal of reaching the influencer’s followers and leveraging their influence to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or achieve specific marketing objectives.

  1. Identifying Suitable Brands:
    • Choose brands that align with your niche and resonate with your audience.
    • Research potential sponsors and their values to ensure a good fit.
  2. Negotiating Compensation:
    • Determine your worth based on engagement rates, follower count, and niche.
    • Negotiate fair compensation, considering the effort and creativity involved in creating sponsored content.

Steps for Sponsored Posts:

  1. Brand Identification:
    • Influencers identify brands that align with their niche and target audience.
  2. Proposal or Pitch:
    • Influencers reach out to brands with a proposal or pitch outlining the collaboration idea, the benefits for the brand, and their own rates.
  3. Negotiation:
    • Negotiations take place regarding compensation, deliverables, and the overall scope of the collaboration.
  4. Content Creation:
    • Once the collaboration terms are agreed upon, the influencer creates engaging content featuring the brand’s product or service.
  5. Caption and Hashtags:
    • The influencer crafts a caption that complements the content and includes any required hashtags or mentions as per the brand’s guidelines.
  6. Posting and Promotion:
    • The sponsored post is published on the influencer’s Instagram feed, reaching their followers.
  7. Analytics and Reporting:
    • Both the influencer and the brand may track engagement metrics and assess the success of the sponsored post through likes, comments, shares, and other relevant data.

2. Brand Collaborations:

Brand collaborations go beyond a single sponsored post and often involve a more extensive partnership between a content creator and a brand. These collaborations can include multiple posts, stories, or even long-term ambassadorships.

Steps for Brand Collaborations:

    1. Long-Term Partnership:
      • Unlike a one-time sponsored post, brand collaborations may involve a more extended partnership where the influencer becomes an ambassador for the brand.
    2. Co-Creation of Content Calendar:
      • The influencer and the brand work together to plan a content calendar, outlining the frequency and types of content to be created over a specific period.
    3. Consistent Brand Integration:
      • The influencer consistently integrates the brand into their content, showcasing the product or service in various contexts over the agreed-upon duration.
    4. Engagement Strategies:
      • The influencer may engage with their audience through giveaways, contests, or interactive content related to the brand.
    5. Measuring Long-Term Impact:
      • Both the influencer and the brand assess the long-term impact of the collaboration, considering metrics such as brand sentiment, follower growth, and overall engagement.

3. Affiliate Marketing with Picture Posts

How to make money on Instagram by posting pictures

Affiliate marketing with picture posts on Instagram is a strategy where content creators earn a commission by promoting and selling products or services of other companies. It involves partnering with brands or affiliate programs, sharing affiliate links in your Instagram posts, and earning a commission for each sale or action generated through those links. Here’s a detailed explanation of affiliate marketing with picture posts:

Affiliate Marketing on Instagram:

1. Joining Affiliate Programs:

  • Identify relevant affiliate programs that align with your Instagram niche and audience. Many companies offer affiliate programs, and you can find them through affiliate marketing networks or by directly reaching out to brands.

2. Choosing Products to Promote:

  • Select products or services that resonate with your followers. It’s essential to maintain authenticity and choose items you genuinely believe in to build trust with your audience.

3. Affiliate Link Generation:

  • Once accepted into an affiliate program, you’ll receive unique tracking links. These links, when used by your followers to make a purchase, allow the affiliate program to track and attribute the sale to you.

4. Creating Engaging Picture Posts:

  • Incorporate the affiliate product naturally into your content. This could involve showcasing the product in use, sharing your personal experience, or creating visually appealing images that highlight the product’s features.

5. Crafting Compelling Captions:

  • Write captions that not only describe the product but also encourage your followers to click on the affiliate link. Highlight the benefits, features, and any special promotions or discounts associated with the product.

6. Disclosing Affiliate Partnerships:

  • Transparency is crucial in affiliate marketing. Clearly disclose your affiliate partnerships within your captions or by using hashtags like #ad or #affiliate. This builds trust with your audience, and it is often a legal requirement.

7. Monitoring Performance:

  • Regularly monitor the performance of your affiliate links. Most affiliate programs provide analytics tools that allow you to track clicks, conversions, and commissions earned. Use this data to optimize your strategy.

8. Experimenting with Content:

  • Test different types of content, such as carousel posts, stories, or IGTV videos, to see what resonates best with your audience. Experimenting helps you understand what drives the highest engagement and conversions.

9. Engaging with Your Audience:

  • Encourage interaction with your followers by asking questions, seeking their opinions, or hosting polls related to the affiliate products. Engaging content can lead to higher conversion rates.

By effectively incorporating affiliate marketing into your picture posts on Instagram, you can turn your content into a revenue-generating stream while providing value to your audience by introducing them to products or services that align with their interests. Remember, authenticity and transparency are key to building a successful and sustainable affiliate marketing strategy on Instagram.

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4. Selling Your Photography Skills

Selling your photography skills on Instagram involves showcasing your talents as a photographer and attracting potential clients who may be interested in hiring you for various services. Whether you’re a portrait photographer, event photographer, or specialize in a specific niche, effectively marketing your photography skills on Instagram can open doors to opportunities. Here’s a detailed guide on how to sell your photography skills on Instagram:

1. Build an Online Portfolio:

  • Create a visually appealing and organized portfolio that showcases your best work. Use Instagram’s grid layout to create a cohesive and impressive display of your photography skills.

2. Optimize Your Bio:

  • Use your Instagram bio to provide a brief yet compelling description of your photography services. Include key details such as your niche, location, and a call-to-action encouraging potential clients to contact you.

3. Define Your Niche:

  • Clearly define your photography niche. Whether you specialize in portraits, events, landscapes, or any specific genre, establishing a clear niche helps attract clients looking for your particular expertise.

4. Showcase Diverse Work:

  • Display a variety of your work to demonstrate your versatility. Include different styles, settings, and subjects to highlight the breadth of your skills.

5. Engage with Your Audience:

  • Respond promptly to comments and direct messages. Engage with your followers by asking for their opinions on your work or encouraging them to share their photography experiences.

6. Use Hashtags Effectively:

  • Employ relevant and popular hashtags to increase the discoverability of your content. Use a mix of general photography hashtags and specific ones related to your niche.

7. Promote Special Offers:

  • Occasionally run promotions or special offers to attract clients. This could include discounted photo sessions, package deals, or limited-time offers to create a sense of urgency.

8. Collaborate with Other Creatives:

  • Collaborate with other Instagram users, such as models, makeup artists, or stylists, to create joint projects. This not only diversifies your portfolio but also expands your network.

9. Share Behind-the-Scenes Content:

  • Give your audience a glimpse into your creative process by sharing behind-the-scenes content. This humanizes your brand and creates a connection with potential clients.

10. Utilize Instagram Stories and IGTV:

  • Leverage Instagram Stories and IGTV to share more in-depth content, such as tutorials, client testimonials, or extended previews of your photo sessions.

11. Encourage User-Generated Content:

  • Encourage clients to share photos you’ve taken for them on their own Instagram accounts. This not only provides social proof but also extends the reach of your work to their followers.

12. Implement a Call-to-Action (CTA):

  • Regularly include calls-to-action in your captions, prompting followers to inquire about your services, book sessions, or visit your website.

13. Use Instagram Ads Strategically:

  • Consider using Instagram’s advertising features to reach a broader audience. Target your ads to specific demographics and locations to attract potential clients in your target market.

14. Network with Local Businesses:

  • Collaborate with local businesses, such as wedding planners, event organizers, or boutique shops, to expand your reach and gain referrals.

15. Stay Consistent:

  • Consistency is key. Regularly update your Instagram with fresh content, maintain a consistent posting schedule, and ensure that your profile reflects the current state of your portfolio.

By following these steps and consistently showcasing your skills, you can effectively sell your photography services on Instagram, turning your passion into a profitable business. Remember, building a strong online presence and fostering relationships with your audience are crucial aspects of successful self-promotion on this platform.

How to Make Money on Instagram Without Selling Anything

Here are some ways to make money on Instagram without selling anything:

1. Exploring Instagram’s Monetization Features

Instagram offers several monetization features that creators can leverage to earn money directly from their content and engagement on the platform. These features are designed to help creators turn their passion into a sustainable source of income. Here’s an explanation of some of Instagram’s key monetization features:

1. Instagram Shop:

  • Instagram Shop is a feature that allows businesses to set up an online storefront directly on their Instagram profiles. Users can browse and purchase products without leaving the app.
  • Monetization: Creators can sell their own merchandise, digital products, or collaborate with brands to feature their products in their shop.

2. IGTV Ads:

  • IGTV (Instagram TV) is a platform for sharing long-form videos. IGTV Ads allow creators to earn money by including ads in their IGTV content.
  • Monetization: To be eligible, creators need to meet certain criteria, including having a specified number of followers and complying with Instagram’s policies. Creators earn a share of the revenue generated from IGTV ads.

3. Instagram Live Badges:

  •  Instagram Live Badges are virtual badges that viewers can purchase during a creator’s live video. Purchasing a badge allows viewers to stand out in the comments and show support for the creator.
  • Monetization: Creators earn a share of the revenue from Live Badges purchased by their viewers. This feature is available to eligible creators in select countries.

4. Brand Partnerships:

  • While not a specific Instagram feature, brand partnerships involve collaborations between creators and brands to promote products or services. Creators can negotiate and earn money for sponsored content.
  • Monetization: Creators can charge brands for featuring their products in posts, stories, or IGTV videos, thereby monetizing their influence and audience.

5. Affiliate Marketing:

  • Creators can use affiliate marketing to earn a commission by promoting products or services and sharing affiliate links.
  • Monetization: By incorporating affiliate links in their posts or stories, creators earn a percentage of the sales generated through those links. This allows them to monetize their recommendations.

6. Instagram Ads:

  • Instagram Ads are paid promotional posts that businesses and creators can use to reach a broader audience. These ads can appear in users’ feeds or stories.
  • Monetization: Creators can earn money by participating in influencer marketing campaigns where brands pay them to promote products or services through sponsored ads.

7. Fan Subscriptions (on Instagram and Instagram Live):

  • Creators can offer exclusive content to their subscribers through a paid subscription model.
  • Monetization: Fans who subscribe pay a monthly fee to access premium content, and creators earn money through these subscriptions. This feature is available to eligible creators in select countries.

8. Instagram Branded Content:

  • Instagram Branded Content allows creators to tag a business partner in their posts and stories, providing transparency about sponsored content.
  • Monetization: Creators can earn money through brand partnerships and collaborations by creating content for or with a brand. The brand can also boost the post for additional reach.

9. IG Shopping (Product Tagging):

  • Creators can tag products in their posts and link them to an online store, making it easier for followers to shop directly from the post.
  • Monetization: Creators can earn a commission on sales made through the product links in their posts, providing a direct way to monetize their content.

2. Crowdfunding and Donations

Crowdfunding is a method of raising funds for a specific project or goal by collecting small contributions from a large number of people. On Instagram, creators often use crowdfunding platforms like Patreon, Kickstarter, or GoFundMe to solicit financial support for their artistic or entrepreneurial ventures.

Steps for Crowdfunding on Instagram:

  1. Choose a Crowdfunding Platform:
    • Select a platform that aligns with your goals. Patreon is popular for ongoing support, while Kickstarter is often used for specific projects.
  2. Create Compelling Content:
    • Develop engaging content that clearly explains your project, its purpose, and the benefits supporters will receive. This content is often shared through Instagram posts, stories, and IGTV.
  3. Set Funding Goals:
    • Define the amount of money you need and set realistic funding goals. Clearly communicate how the funds will be used to create transparency and trust with potential supporters.
  4. Promote Your Crowdfunding Campaign:
    • Regularly promote your crowdfunding campaign on Instagram. Use a mix of visuals, captions, and hashtags to reach a broader audience. Encourage your followers to share your campaign with their networks.
  5. Offer Incentives:
    • Provide incentives for different contribution levels. This could include exclusive content, early access to your work, personalized shoutouts, or even physical merchandise.
  6. Engage with Supporters:
    • Regularly update your followers on the progress of your crowdfunding campaign. Express gratitude to your supporters and keep them informed about any developments related to your project.
  7. Collaborate with Other Creators:
    • Collaborate with other creators who may be willing to support or promote your crowdfunding campaign. Cross-promotion can significantly expand your reach.


Donations involve directly receiving financial support from your audience or followers without a specific project or product in return. This can be a one-time contribution or ongoing support to help sustain your content creation efforts.

Steps for Soliciting Donations on Instagram:

  1. Clearly Communicate Your Need:
    • Clearly communicate why you’re seeking donations. Whether it’s to support your art, cover production costs, or enable you to continue creating content, be transparent about your financial needs.
  2. Create a Donation Link:
    • Utilize platforms like PayPal, Venmo, or other payment processors to create a donation link. Place this link in your Instagram bio for easy access.
  3. Promote Your Donation Link:
    • Regularly remind your followers about the option to support you through donations. Include calls-to-action in your captions and stories, directing them to your donation link.
  4. Express Gratitude:
    • Acknowledge and express gratitude for any donations received. Consider giving shoutouts or personalized thank-you messages to donors through your Instagram content.
  5. Offer Value in Return:
    • While donations are typically voluntary and without the expectation of direct returns, you can still offer value to donors. This could include exclusive content, behind-the-scenes access, or special recognition.
  6. Engage with Your Community:
    • Foster a sense of community by engaging with your followers. Respond to comments, answer questions, and make your audience feel like an essential part of your creative journey.
  7. Share Your Financial Goals:
    • Share specific financial goals or milestones you aim to achieve with the support of donations. This helps your audience understand the impact of their contributions.
  8. Utilize Instagram Stories and Posts:
    • Leverage Instagram’s features like stories and posts to share updates on your financial situation, express your needs, and thank your supporters.

Both crowdfunding and donations offer creators a way to monetize their content and receive support directly from their audience. The success of these efforts often depends on effective communication, transparency, and the value you provide to your supporters.

3. Creating and Selling Your Own Digital Products

Creating and selling your own digital products on Instagram is a popular way for content creators and entrepreneurs to monetize their skills, knowledge, and creativity. Digital products are intangible goods that can be delivered electronically, making them an excellent option for online businesses. Here’s a detailed guide on how to create and sell your own digital products on Instagram:

1. Identify Your Niche and Audience:

  • Niche Selection: Determine the specific area or topic in which you have expertise and that aligns with your audience’s interests.
  • Audience Understanding: Understand your target audience’s needs, preferences, and pain points to create digital products that provide value to them.

2. Choose the Right Digital Product:

  • E-books: Share your knowledge, insights, or stories through written content.
  • Online Courses: Teach a skill, share expertise, or provide educational content through video lessons.
  • Printables: Offer downloadable templates, planners, or resources.
  • Photography Presets: Create and sell presets for photo editing.
  • Design Assets: Provide graphic design elements like templates, fonts, or icons.
  • Audio Files: Offer music, sound effects, or podcasts.

3. Create High-Quality Content:

  • Design and Branding: Maintain a consistent and appealing visual identity across your digital products.
  • Content Quality: Ensure that your content is well-researched, well-written, or professionally presented, depending on the type of product.

4. Set Up a Sales Platform:

  • Website or Landing Page: Create a dedicated website or landing page where users can learn about and purchase your digital products.
  • Payment Processing: Set up secure and convenient payment processing options using platforms like PayPal, Stripe, or other e-commerce solutions.

5. Build Anticipation and Promote:

  • Teasers and Previews: Share teasers or previews of your digital products on Instagram to generate excitement.
  • Countdowns and Launch Events: Use countdowns and launch events to create a sense of urgency and encourage followers to stay engaged.

6. Utilize Instagram Stories and Posts:

  • Swipe-Up Links (if eligible): If you have access to the swipe-up feature, use it to direct followers to your product page.
  • Visual Content: Share visually appealing images and videos showcasing your digital products.

7. Collaborate with Influencers or Peers:

  • Influencer Marketing: Partner with influencers in your niche to promote your digital products.
  • Cross-Promotions: Collaborate with peers or other creators for cross-promotions to expand your reach.

8. Offer Limited-Time Discounts or Bundles:

  • Promotions: Create a sense of urgency by offering limited-time discounts or bundling multiple products together.
  • Exclusive Offers: Reward your loyal followers with exclusive offers or early access.

9. Gather and Showcase Testimonials:

  • Customer Testimonials: Encourage customers to provide feedback or testimonials that you can showcase on Instagram to build trust with potential buyers.

10. Engage with Your Audience:

  • Respond to Comments: Engage with your audience by responding to comments, addressing queries, and building a community around your digital products.

11. Provide Customer Support:

  • Communication Channels: Set up communication channels for customer support, ensuring that buyers can reach out for assistance if needed.

12. Monitor Analytics and Adjust Strategies:

  • Track Sales and Engagement: Use analytics tools to monitor sales, audience engagement, and website traffic.
  • Adjust Strategies: Based on the data, adjust your marketing strategies to optimize results.

By following these steps, you can effectively create, market, and sell your own digital products on Instagram. Consistency, authenticity, and a deep understanding of your audience will contribute to the success of your digital product endeavours.


By implementing these strategies, content creators can transform Instagram from a mere social platform into a lucrative source of income. Whether through sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, or utilizing Instagram’s native monetization features, individuals can monetize their passion without the need to sell physical products. This guide provides a comprehensive roadmap for navigating the dynamic landscape of Instagram and turning creative endeavours into a sustainable career.

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